We enable innovative decision makers to tackle the most complex, critical issues in their own live, at-scale Synthetic Models.
What We Do
RUNWITHIT uses synthetic modelling to de-risk the future. For example, these models can validate technology to support energy grids as more people buy electric vehicles and solar panels. In addition, synthetic modelling can create intelligent response systems for natural disasters, rationalize new designs for buildings, transportation infrastructure and more.
Each Synthetic Model connects human beings, technologies, systems, and futures so decision-makers can prepare for and respond to situations based on quantified information.

Our Story
Dean and I go a long way back. Partners in life and business, RUNWITHIT is our 3rd tech venture together, this time with myself (Mryna Bittner) as the CEO and Dean (Bittner) as the CIO. It may have looked like a deep tech company – we were building ai-based, synthetic or simulated realities around complex digital systems in communications, media, in-vehicle, IoT and other systems – but it really was about people all along.
These synthetic realities helped investors, innovators, technologists, and the people counting on their technology have better lives. If we did our job right, the technology worked flawlessly every time, no matter the circumstances. No failing, no firefighting, no frustration. We did this by learning all about how to recreate today and then put the knobs, dials and levers in people’s hands to create the future, no matter how unprecedented, disrupted, or unimaginable. Our mission is to help people make more choices today that deliver better futures to more people tomorrow – a type of sim city, except for real.
People are central to creating this future, where and how we live, what choices we have and why, and how we react, respond and learn from what goes on around us. In 2019, we were asked to create our first city, people, buildings and utilities, technology and an earthquake that hadn’t happened yet. The city was Silicon Valley, and we had 3.5 weeks to bring it to life on a 150-foot screen for the keynote at the IoT World Expo in Silicon Valley for the world’s leading Smart City utility technology supplier.
The goal was to demonstrate and measure the opportunity to invest in resilience and shorten the time for a city to return to normal after disaster strikes. The challenge was keeping people safe, minimizing building damage, fires and explosions, and making use of available communication networks to guide emergency response to where it is most needed and move people to safety, quickly, all with a few sensors and controls and a utility network.
Our Synthetic Silicon Valley was a success, and this propelled us into an international landscape of building Synthetic Cities from Kuala Lumpur to Los Angeles, and now even Edmonton. We get to work with decision-makers and experts worldwide, shedding light on some of the most challenging, complex futures and helping people design better lives and livelihoods for everyone on the planet. Decarbonization, urban planning, transportation, communications, public health, energy transition, environment, accessibility, safety and security, climate shock, disasters, hydrogen economies – the questions just keep coming.
Our Achievements
During the last two years, we have received awards from the United Nations, the Electric Power Research Institute, Taiwan, Airbus, Toyota Mobility Foundation, NATO, Startup Energy Transition, Alberta Business Awards of Distinction, Alberta Women Entrepreneurs, and US Air Force. One of the highlights was winning the “Most Edmonton” Startup award at the YEG Startup Awards for our commitment to diversity, our global impact, and having a “certain type of humble grit and perseverance” that made our hometown proud.

Our Team
RUNWITHIT has an intensely collaborative, diverse and representative team! Our team includes mathematicians, social, data and computer scientists, engineers from electrical, mechanical, computer, civil and environmental backgrounds, public health, language, international business development, administration as well as 3D animation and design artists. We are a women-led, Certified Aboriginal Business passionate about designing better futures for everyone.